Gala 2007 Friday |
Gala 2007 Saturday |
等了一年終於又來到一年一度的 UBC Gala...也是繼上一次Snowball Classic 我今年第二次也是我開始跳國標以來第三個公開賽...上一我跳的是New Comer and Bronze Latin...而這一次我跳的有 Pre-Bronze and Bronze Latin & Newcomer and pre-bronze Standard...也是一樣..我跟Rebecca 在compete 的那一兩個禮拜也是不停的練...還有一次是連續四天跳超過24 小時...所以我們非常期待我們這一次還是有好成績
Friday -Club Closed
禮拜五是校內賽,只給沒有拿外面Lesson 的學生去比,所以我今年只好當觀眾幫我朋友加油. 今年的觀眾人數比較少,所以一開始的加油聲都冷冷清清的...今年的參賽人數好像也比較少, 而我個人感覺 Level 也比去年來的差...well...maybe because i now learn more about i can tell the difference...就像說一個初學者看到一個中級的跳他會覺得很棒, 但一個Advanced 去看the intermediate level 未必會覺得好.
因為不能比club closed...所以我今天只能比Fun Event 的Reversed Rumba....wuhaha....i have been practicing the girl's routine and i tonight i'm wearing my partner's costume to compete LOL....oh man, Anyway, 當我開始compete 時他們說是reversed chacha (on the program it says reversed chacha...but on the registration sheet it was rumba), so i was so shocked at the moment...but anyway...i was the only one who dressed up..所以我就豁出去了...ok...we did our reversed chacha using the similar rumba routine...and we won yeah !!! 之後我們的MC 就問大家想不想再看一次我們perform...ok lah 所以我就proposed if we can do a reversed rumba....and then we finally get to dance reversed rumab...然後,我就用我的sexy pose 驚動全場 first ever solo dance~~~拜託,我還為了這一次reversed rumba 去燙直我的頭髮neh....不能比club closed 就算了,一定要用什麼其他的方法台推銷自己一下嗎LOL...(羞....)
今天是一整天的公開賽,而我是先比standard 之後再比latin ....一開始還滿失望因為我們standard Final 沒有進...所以當時的心情有點down....但是我不能因為standard 沒進final 而影響我之後的Latin 比賽...不過還好Latin 兩個Dance 都進final 了...yeah..所以可以在晚上比Final round~~晚餐我們就一群人去茶井吃飯...我跟Rebecca 點了日式雞肉炒飯及炒烏龍....在一番激戰之後的晚餐吃起來可真是美味啊, 但因為晚上要比賽,所以當然不能吃太飽.
晚上的比賽絕大不都是 Adult Category 的Final competetion 以及some pre-cham and champ level semi and final competition...我差不多是到10點20分才比Pre-Bronze and Bronze Latin...Prebronze 是Jive...and then right after that i ahve to do Rumba and Jive again...因為跳Jive 很號體力...所以我們在最後的jive 簡直是用盡120%的體力...比完後整個快虛脫了
之後還有Championship 的比賽...可惜Zillion 我的老師沒有比賽, 所以今年的BC Open Standard and Latin champion 就換人做了.
最後當然是到了Award Ceremony....announce 我們拿到pre-bronze 第一名所有來幫我加油的朋友們當歡呼起來,yeah 辛苦的努力終於沒白費...之後緊接著Rumba 我們也拿到第三名,所以我也很高興...yah one more big trophy !!!!
在這裡當然要感謝一些人囉,首先是我的reversed rumba partner Grace..Ha, thx so making me so nice looking~~~
感謝來幫我加油的朋友們, for yelling number 31 and give me courage and the energy to continue dancing on the floor ~~
and then...of course a biggest thx to my lovely partner Rebecca, she is the best partner ever and thx her for all the hard work she had put in..感動!!!!
PS. Congrats to Phoebe again..OMG Gold Standard 1st place wuhu!!!!