I guess it's time to reveal my secret after TWFF opening reception, who those who showed up and saw.....yes I'm going out with a lovely girl named Rebecca and yes she is my dance partner. I knew her last summer during summer bronze class at UBC. In the beginning of this year we became dance partner and began to take private lesson in ballroom dancing and attended competition. Finally, we started going out a week after UBC Gala~~haha detail wise of course it's only for me XD
我想時候也到了, 跟大家分享一個秘密. 禮拜五當天來台灣電影節的應該都知道...沒錯我在跟一位白人女孩教往, 沒錯他就是我的舞伴Rebecca. 我從去年暑假的國標舞班認識了他, 然後我們年初決定開始成為舞伴並開始拿國標舞的private lesson 以及比賽...我們也在UBC Gala Ball 一個禮拜後正式交往...至於詳細內容就我自己分享囉 XD
I beleived our relation is base on this trust we had between one and other: she studies at SFU and I'm at UBC, so we don't get to see one another untill weekend...and since I have to do Theater work everyday and a lot of projects afer Gala...we only see one another once a week (we met for Brunch then i have to head to UBC and she has to do her volunteer job). However, I'm glad to see how our relation developed week by week, and i truly appreciate her effort trying to accompy me at my spare time. She even came to the TWFF opening reception and my theater show even though she has Final the following week...i'm really appreciated, and she is such a sweetheart :)
我認為我們對彼此對方都很信任: 他是SFU 學生而我在UBC, 所以我們平常只有假日的時候可以見面, 而且我從Gala 之後就開始做舞台劇以及許許多多的project...搞到我們之能一個禮拜見面一次. 我們同嘗試禮拜五早上一起吃飯, 之後我就去UBC, 而他也要去做他的義工. 可是, 我很高興看到每個禮拜我們兩個之間的進展. 他的大考也快到了,但是他卻還能百忙之中萊參間台灣電影節開幕酒會以及我參與的舞台劇. 我真的很感激他, 因為他真的是一位甜心 :)
ok lah...here are some photos of my 正妹女友 XD
(this one is kinda blurry-_-)