Sunday, August 13, 2006

LE Camping @ Loon Lake


Went on a camping trip with LE during the weekedn at Loon Lake at the North of Maple Ridge. only took us an hour and half to get there. Loon Lake is a research area bought by UBC and we book one of three resorts there. it was around 12:30 when we arrive, then we were taking a lunch break and just cheering out there untill everyone is ready to have FUN~~~there are around 24 ppl who went, so in the beignning we are playing some kind of ninja name game and twist...and then we proceed to the lake which is just 5 min wlaks from the resort.

Loon Lake is an artificial lake and surprisingly the water is very very clean...
although we only book 3 canoes...we ended up stealing 4 more so everyone of us get to try canoeing~~Lillian and Calie and I were in the same canoe...and we seemed to have a hard time turning and going forward...but whatever lol...we had fun...the lake and the view surounded was extrmely beautiful and it was a relaxing time for us...i even jump into the wate and start swimimg~~thx to life jacket..i wasn't tired at all floating on the i said before...the water is extremely's just regular water and you won't smell anything like 消毒水.

afte we get back we started to prepare for dinner...we are divided into 3 group and my group was incharged of preparing foods and dishes....but most of the cooking were done by Tim himself. What we had for dinner that night was pork, steak, and those greek cusine salad i think..don't remember the name~~

after dinner we were just cheering out at the lounge, chatting, playing card game, and listen to ppl and tim playing guitar while the other group did the dish washing and cleaning work ...我也秀了一手"情非得以"...but i haven't play for a long time, so kinda 出ㄘㄟˊ=)

at night (around 10:30 bah) all of us when to the lake again to watch meteor shower~~we lay on the ground (水上的) and whiel we are trying to cathc the moment of the star falling, we were singing different song and it was a great laugh of time...可以從金包銀到 Backstreet Boy...可見我們有多瘋了吧LOL.

Probably caught at least 8 stars falling including 4 big one and few small one..first time of expereincing meteor was great~~i even took the picture of 北斗七星eh~~

after we gt back then...LOL it's the time for alkies~~晚餐已經調過大壺的...and this time i made different individual drinks for whoever request fro it. Lawrence and Paul brought many differnt mix...and because we had many soda and juice...i got to play around and came out with quiet few tasty and special drinks...大家的評價也是不錯喔...i felt great.

當然也少不了跳國標啦~~i brough my latin collection CD i definitely was doing lot of latin dancing that night~~many ppl were drinking...and it's funny to see how those quiet girls get $*#%*% LOL....

went to bed at 5 and then woke up at 9...most ppl were still sleeping but some are already wake or even didn't go to bed..haha...crazy ppl.

I went to the lake again with two other frds and we went on a short hiking on the other side of the shore which you have to go across with this "cable ferry" (用繩拉得).....呼吸芬多精,很清爽喔

after we get back more people are awake, so we started to prepare for lunch...(the original plan was to have breakfast and activity and then lunch, but because of alkies the plan was cancel LOL)

After lunch everone was doing clean up foe check out, and when we finished we went to the lake again and once again i was swiming..and this time the water was freezzzzzing cold...omg...全身都在發抖...但還是很爽啦

四點離開了Loon Lake...而大家就在最後的團體照畫下這一次Camping 的完美句點~~it was SO MUCH FUN~~~~


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fireworks finale


Rita (Claire's sis)+Gina+Claire

Starwars LOL



今天是 HSBC Celebration of Light grand finale...我跟Alisa 四點就來幫一堆朋友們站位子,我也趁等大家來的期間作日光浴以及看書打發時間...後來大加入續也到了,而那些朋友當然也抓了一些人,所以我們這區少說也有20幾位.大家就打牌,照相,聊天...一直混到10點煙火比賽開始,今天的參賽者是Mexico...雖然他最後得了第一名,但我認為Czech Republic 比較好. 喔,今天沒照煙火因為我只是純著來看的心情,所以didn't bother holding camera for 30 minutes~

all pictures: