Monday, February 26, 2007

舞動真愛- 1000 years

舞動真愛是一部有關國標的韓國電影 - 裡面其中有一個很好聽的主題曲, 1000 years...很好聽喔...跟大家分享

video (youtube):

Moment you came to my heart just by chance
To me you don't seem to be a stranger
It was so long for you to finally find me
For a 1000 years
I've been wating for you
More than million until for an eternal love
Remember forever more
We'll stand for a 1000 years Sometimes
I know we'll be left a bit easy.. yes true
Until then I will pray for our true love
Don't ever forget my love
We will be together F
or a 1000 years I've been wating for you
More than million until for an eternal love
Remember forever more
We'll stand for a 1000 years
Don't say.. I don't wanna hear you saying goodbye
Please promise me.. You'll always be my love.. my love
For a 1000 years I've been wating for you
More than million until for an eternal love
Remember forever more
We'll stand for a 1000 years
For a 1000 years I've been wating for you
More than million until for an eternal love
Remember forever more We'll stand for a 1000 years


grace said...

D**n, my favourite rumba...

Jason said...


huh huh yah~~my favorite now, thx for introducing the film and song

it will be nice to do a reverse rumba with this song LOL

grace said...

Thank you for the dance. I received a lot of comments saying you are sooo hot! I had tons of fun! :D

Anonymous said...

Great work.