Tuesday, November 27, 2007

jump jump jump~~!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

This is a drink i made for Gina for her Birthday, the idea was taken from Tequila Sunrise, the gradient color of yellow to red make the drink beautiful and tasty

這杯酒就就叫做Gina 一號吧XD sorry bad with creating a name
成分include: Mango Liquor, Peer Juice, Apple Sauce, and grenadine for color mixing

Friday, November 23, 2007

this is a gift my brother bought at Montreal for Rebecca...omg, so cute, and so look-alike~~XD

禮拜二去參加Simon 的婚禮. Simon 其實就是Nadia 的哥哥, 而他也是我在VFS時的同班同學

新婚生活也許很苦,但這也是人生的一大經過. Simon, 祝你新婚快樂,美滿~

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

有時話看著夕陽就會覺得一天即將結束....還記得今年暑假去了Vancouver Island 兩次,而每一次做Ferry 回來時,夕陽總是陪我們度過, 這也代表著旅遊假期結束了

first time doing modeling for LE's Photography Event.....好累...but was fun~

pictures were all taken from other photographer, ppl send me the photos plz > <

Sunday, November 18, 2007

幸福啊...當然是跟LE 在一起囉 XD.....................................狗腿 Part II(溜)

雖然不可能成為professional, 但希望有朝一日可以dance in the amateur championship level loh ...practice practice and practice~圖中人物為former world no.1 Latin dance champion, Bryan and Carmen

Friday, November 16, 2007

this was taken right outside my balcony in my old downtown apartment. the rainbow was right on top of the building~cool eh

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rebecca 第一次試直髮.....mmm, 我還是比較喜歡捲髮
oh, 這也是他第一次烤牛排...mmm...流口水
夜晚無人的bus stop 也算是一種私角落吧....冷清
PS. hate waiting for bus at the midnight

Monday, November 12, 2007

這是我今年暑假去Victoria 比賽回來時在BC Ferry 上吃的自助餐的菜色, 非常的豐富喔.....(流口水)
I don't have my grad photo here, so i just post some photos about my frd graduating
Phoebe, the most popular Grad of the time, so many flowers!!
my god-sister and her bf

Friday, November 09, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

巨大的亮光出現在我家隔壁, 是UFO????信不信有你!!!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

OMG, 這一次的搬家大概是我來北美的第十次,也是在大的一次. 我們從Downtown 搬到 Joyce. 而好死不死禮拜六竟然給我下雨,所以我們必須淋著雨搬東西上U-Haul Truck, 困難度極高啊. Anyway, in the morning we spend almost 2.5 hrs loading stuff onto the truck (cause we lived on the 17th floor), took a 30 min break eating pizza, and then spend another hour and half unloading and moving the stuff in the new apartment. 整個客廳就堆滿著我們的家具,box, 及suitcase. 搬完後大家的累了, lawrence, yifu, 和我就這樣躺在沙發上zzzz

隔天禮拜天一整個早上unpacking, 然後下午我們又必須回downtown apartment room清理所有的地方, 包況冰箱,stove, kitchen, bathroom....everything has to be spotless. 我和我哥就這樣清理直到夜黑,而我們全身的肌肉也因為這兩天來的workout 開始酸痛,回到家裡洗個澡,10點多就呼呼大睡了

真是超級瘋狂的搬家weekend ah!!!1

anyway, thx for those who help and move on this special raining day ^^", i really appreciate your help, 等的所有東西都整理完來個本拿比小組 house warming party bah ~~~

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Thursday, November 01, 2007

也當然是很普遍的. 不管是跟哪種人交往,只要彼此尊重,體諒,及愛對方,那就是好的

【ILoveBlog4 】網誌攝影展兒 Day 1- 期許
